Promote Mechanics in Real Estate Joint Ventures | Practical Law

Promote Mechanics in Real Estate Joint Ventures | Practical Law

A Practice Note discussing promote payments in real estate joint ventures (JVs). This Note provides guidance on drafting and negotiating distribution waterfalls in JVs that include a promote (also called a profits interest or carried interest) payable to the managing member or operating member, including hurdles and clawbacks.

Promote Mechanics in Real Estate Joint Ventures

Practical Law Practice Note w-014-3913 (Approx. 18 pages)

Promote Mechanics in Real Estate Joint Ventures

by Practical Law Real Estate
MaintainedUSA (National/Federal)
A Practice Note discussing promote payments in real estate joint ventures (JVs). This Note provides guidance on drafting and negotiating distribution waterfalls in JVs that include a promote (also called a profits interest or carried interest) payable to the managing member or operating member, including hurdles and clawbacks.