McCarter & English LLP | Practical Law

McCarter & English LLP | Practical Law

McCarter & English LLP

McCarter & English LLP

Practical Law State Contributor: Intellectual Property & Technology
Contact Information
Four Gateway Center
100 Mulberry Street
Newark, NJ 07102
T: +1 (973) 622-4444
F: +1 (973) 622-7070
McCarter & English, LLP is a firm of over 400 lawyers with offices in Boston, Hartford, Stamford, New York, Newark, Philadelphia and Wilmington. Founded more than 160 years ago, the firm is among the oldest law firms in the US. McCarter & English espouses a client-centered philosophy emphasizing superior service and dedication to its clients that, when combined with legal expertise, allows the firm to devise and implement strategies to achieve client goals and objectives. This philosophy has served the firm's clients well and is responsible for the firm's long-standing success and stability.
McCarter & English is a leader in patents, trademarks, technology-related transactions and litigation, and IP litigation. The IP/IT Practice Group has over 65 attorneys, including over 20 patent attorneys and patent agents holding advanced degrees. Members of the Intellectual Property and Information Technology Group protect the interests of clients in diverse fields including nanotechnology, biotechnology, pharmacology, chemistry, computer systems, software, electronics, mechanical arts, electronics, banking, consumer products, medical devices and clean technology. Our attorneys assist clients in identifying and preserving the next generation of copyrightable materials. The firm’s lawyers prepare and prosecute patent, trademark and copyright applications and assist clients in managing complex IP portfolios, build and preserve corporate brands, protect software patents and trade secrets and establish both offensive and defensive forward-thinking strategies. We are experienced in handling legal issues arising from online commerce, licensing and international trade agreements. Attorneys in the group have specific experience in protecting brands and handling traditional copyright matters such as protecting clients against the unauthorized replication of familiar products. We also have earned national recognition for work in the development and application of public key infrastructure (PKI) technologies, which facilitate secure online transactions.

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