Accounting and reporting by charities: tables | Practical Law

Accounting and reporting by charities: tables | Practical Law

Tables summarising the accounting and reporting requirements for charitable companies, charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs), charitable trusts and charitable unincorporated associations. It also includes a table summarising the rules on retaining charity accounts, trustees' annual reports and Gift Aid records.

Accounting and reporting by charities: tables

Practical Law UK Checklist w-023-5668 (Approx. 10 pages)

Accounting and reporting by charities: tables

by Practical Law Private Client with Kathryn Cearns OBE a non-executive director and independent writer specialising in financial reporting, audit and governance
MaintainedEngland, Wales
Tables summarising the accounting and reporting requirements for charitable companies, charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs), charitable trusts and charitable unincorporated associations. It also includes a table summarising the rules on retaining charity accounts, trustees' annual reports and Gift Aid records.