The Involuntary Bankruptcy Process | Practical Law

The Involuntary Bankruptcy Process | Practical Law

A Practice Note providing an overview of the involuntary bankruptcy process, including the procedure and requirements for filing an involuntary petition and the basis for relief. This Note also discusses the debtor's defenses and its right to convert the case to another chapter of the Bankruptcy Code, dismissal of involuntary cases, damages if the court dismisses a case, and prefiling considerations.

The Involuntary Bankruptcy Process

Practical Law Practice Note 0-522-5462 (Approx. 44 pages)

The Involuntary Bankruptcy Process

by Practical Law Bankruptcy & Restructuring and Practical Law Finance
A Practice Note providing an overview of the involuntary bankruptcy process, including the procedure and requirements for filing an involuntary petition and the basis for relief. This Note also discusses the debtor's defenses and its right to convert the case to another chapter of the Bankruptcy Code, dismissal of involuntary cases, damages if the court dismisses a case, and prefiling considerations.