IP Licenses and Bankruptcy | Practical Law

IP Licenses and Bankruptcy | Practical Law

A Practice Note discussing key issues relevant to intellectual property (IP) licensors and licensees affected by bankruptcy. These include issues related to the automatic stay, determining whether an IP license is an executory contract, tests for assignment and assumption of IP licenses and risks, and protections for non-debtor licensees of rejected IP licenses.

IP Licenses and Bankruptcy

Practical Law Practice Note 1-504-3602 (Approx. 25 pages)

IP Licenses and Bankruptcy

by Practical Law Intellectual Property & Technology, based on original materials by Carmen H. Lonstein
A Practice Note discussing key issues relevant to intellectual property (IP) licensors and licensees affected by bankruptcy. These include issues related to the automatic stay, determining whether an IP license is an executory contract, tests for assignment and assumption of IP licenses and risks, and protections for non-debtor licensees of rejected IP licenses.