National Mediation Board (NMB) | Practical Law
National Mediation Board (NMB)
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National Mediation Board (NMB)
Practical Law Glossary Item 6-517-3021
(Approx. 2 pages)
National Mediation Board (NMB)
An independent federal agency charged with administering the
Railway Labor Act
(RLA). The NMB's primary duties are:
Investigating who is the appropriate representative of a carrier's employees to resolve
representation disputes
Holding elections or using other means such as union authorization card counts to ascertain the employees' choice of a representative, if any.
election rules; and
voter eligibility.
Investigating alleged interference with elections.
Ordering reruns of elections or other remedies for election interference.
Certifying election results and unions as representatives of
crafts or classes
collective bargaining
disputes, also known under the RLA as
minor disputes
The NMB consists of three members selected by the President and confirmed by the Senate for three-year terms.
For more information, see
Practice Note, Railway Labor Act: Overview