Expropriation | Practical Law

Expropriation | Practical Law



Practical Law Glossary Item 1-502-1997 (Approx. 2 pages)



Also known as a taking, an act by a governmental entity that substantially deprives a foreign investor of its ownership, control, or economic benefit in an investment or property located in the governmental entity's jurisdiction. Expropriation may be affected in one act or a series of regulatory actions (referred to as creeping expropriation).
Under international law, a governmental entity can expropriate foreign assets if:
  • The regulation affecting the expropriation is non-discriminatory (the regulation or law does not discriminate between foreign and domestic investors or among foreign investors).
  • The expropriation is done for a public purpose.
  • The governmental entity observes procedural safeguards.
  • The governmental entity pays compensation to the investors.
For more information on expropriation, see the following Practice Notes: