Representations, Warranties, Covenants, Rights, and Conditions | Practical Law

Representations, Warranties, Covenants, Rights, and Conditions | Practical Law

A Practice Note discussing representations, warranties, covenants, rights, and conditions in commercial contracts. This Note describes each of these key contractual building blocks and how they function to achieve the intended goals of the contracting parties. This Note also includes examples of contractual language as well as drafting and negotiating tips.

Representations, Warranties, Covenants, Rights, and Conditions

Practical Law Practice Note 9-519-8869 (Approx. 40 pages)

Representations, Warranties, Covenants, Rights, and Conditions

by Practical Law Commercial Transactions
A Practice Note discussing representations, warranties, covenants, rights, and conditions in commercial contracts. This Note describes each of these key contractual building blocks and how they function to achieve the intended goals of the contracting parties. This Note also includes examples of contractual language as well as drafting and negotiating tips.