Protecting Against Counterfeit Trademarks and Gray Market Goods | Practical Law

Protecting Against Counterfeit Trademarks and Gray Market Goods | Practical Law

A Practice Note discussing counterfeit trademarks and gray market goods, and the various legal remedies available to trademark owners to protect against the trafficking of goods bearing counterfeit trademarks and gray market goods in the US.

Protecting Against Counterfeit Trademarks and Gray Market Goods

Practical Law Practice Note 2-503-4782 (Approx. 30 pages)

Protecting Against Counterfeit Trademarks and Gray Market Goods

by Practical Law Intellectual Property & Technology
A Practice Note discussing counterfeit trademarks and gray market goods, and the various legal remedies available to trademark owners to protect against the trafficking of goods bearing counterfeit trademarks and gray market goods in the US.