Capital Markets Union (CMU): overview | Practical Law

Capital Markets Union (CMU): overview | Practical Law

This practice note provides an overview of the European Commission's work to establish the Capital Markets Union (CMU) in the EU, focusing on the initiatives relating to the financial services sector that were announced in the September 2020 action plan. It also considers potential CMU initiatives for 2024 to 2019.

Capital Markets Union (CMU): overview

Practical Law UK Practice Note 2-619-3497 (Approx. 38 pages)

Capital Markets Union (CMU): overview

MaintainedEuropean Union
This practice note provides an overview of the European Commission's work to establish the Capital Markets Union (CMU) in the EU, focusing on the initiatives relating to the financial services sector that were announced in the September 2020 action plan. It also considers potential CMU initiatives for 2024 to 2019.