Motion to Dismiss: Drafting and Filing a Motion to Dismiss, Opposition, and Reply (GA) | Practical Law

Motion to Dismiss: Drafting and Filing a Motion to Dismiss, Opposition, and Reply (GA) | Practical Law

A Practice Note describing issues that counsel should consider when drafting a motion to dismiss under O.C.G.A. § 9-11-12(b) for use in Georgia superior and state courts. This Note discusses pre-drafting considerations and the necessary papers for a motion to dismiss. This Note also discusses how to file and serve the motion, opposition, and reply.

Motion to Dismiss: Drafting and Filing a Motion to Dismiss, Opposition, and Reply (GA)

Practical Law Practice Note w-000-3181 (Approx. 25 pages)

Motion to Dismiss: Drafting and Filing a Motion to Dismiss, Opposition, and Reply (GA)

by Practical Law Litigation
A Practice Note describing issues that counsel should consider when drafting a motion to dismiss under O.C.G.A. § 9-11-12(b) for use in Georgia superior and state courts. This Note discusses pre-drafting considerations and the necessary papers for a motion to dismiss. This Note also discusses how to file and serve the motion, opposition, and reply.