Deed of confirmation: existing security | Practical Law

Deed of confirmation: existing security | Practical Law

A standard form deed of confirmation, under which a borrower confirms to a lender that, despite amendments to a facility agreement (or loan agreement) between the borrower and the lender, the existing security document, under which the borrower granted security to the lender to secure its obligations under the facility agreement, continues in full force and effect in all respects.

Deed of confirmation: existing security

Practical Law UK Standard Document 1-505-0353 (Approx. 15 pages)

Deed of confirmation: existing security

Maintained, England, Wales
A standard form deed of confirmation, under which a borrower confirms to a lender that, despite amendments to a facility agreement (or loan agreement) between the borrower and the lender, the existing security document, under which the borrower granted security to the lender to secure its obligations under the facility agreement, continues in full force and effect in all respects.
This standard document may be used with Standard documents, Amendment agreement, Amendment letter or Amendment and restatement agreement (which amend or amend and restate a facility agreement (or loan agreement)).
This standard document contains integrated drafting notes.