Carbon leakage and support for energy intensive industry (EII) | Practical Law

Carbon leakage and support for energy intensive industry (EII) | Practical Law

This note looks at support for energy intensive industry (EII) sectors that might find that operating in the EU or in the UK becomes uneconomic, due to the high cost of emitting greenhouse gases (GHGs). If they relocate to operate in countries without similar levels of GHG emission regulation, this is known as "carbon leakage".

Carbon leakage and support for energy intensive industry (EII)

Practical Law UK Practice Note 4-603-8245 (Approx. 18 pages)

Carbon leakage and support for energy intensive industry (EII)

MaintainedEuropean Union, United Kingdom
This note looks at support for energy intensive industry (EII) sectors that might find that operating in the EU or in the UK becomes uneconomic, due to the high cost of emitting greenhouse gases (GHGs). If they relocate to operate in countries without similar levels of GHG emission regulation, this is known as "carbon leakage".