E-Discovery Toolkit | Practical Law

E-Discovery Toolkit | Practical Law

Resources to help counsel manage electronic discovery (e-discovery) in federal civil litigation.

E-Discovery Toolkit

Practical Law Toolkit 8-503-1078 (Approx. 27 pages)

E-Discovery Toolkit

by Practical Law Litigation
MaintainedUSA (National/Federal)
Resources to help counsel manage electronic discovery (e-discovery) in federal civil litigation.
Electronic discovery (e-discovery) is a term used to describe the discovery of electronically stored information (ESI) in litigation. E-discovery poses different and often more difficult challenges for litigants than traditional paper discovery. The volume of discoverable ESI often dwarfs the amount of discoverable paper documents. ESI may also consist of a variety of file types (such as email, voicemail messages, or image files) in a multitude of locations (such as hard drives, cell phones, social media websites, third-party servers, or the cloud).
This E-Discovery Toolkit includes resources designed to help counsel and litigants meet their e-discovery obligations under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and developing case law. This Toolkit addresses several phases of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) and features resources on:
For resources related to ESI preservation, see the Preserving Documents and Electronically Stored Information Toolkit.

Reviewing ESI