Bribery Risk (US): Compliance Roadmap | Practical Law

Bribery Risk (US): Compliance Roadmap | Practical Law

A compliance roadmap giving an overview of foreign bribery risk in the US under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and providing guidance on managing this risk and implementing an anti-bribery or anti-corruption compliance program, including links to related resources.

Bribery Risk (US): Compliance Roadmap

Practical Law Practice Note w-035-2975 (Approx. 34 pages)

Bribery Risk (US): Compliance Roadmap

by Practical Law Commercial Transactions
A compliance roadmap giving an overview of foreign bribery risk in the US under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and providing guidance on managing this risk and implementing an anti-bribery or anti-corruption compliance program, including links to related resources.