Brazilian Court ruling on CADE's decision in the Nestle-Garoto merger case adjourned | Practical Law

Brazilian Court ruling on CADE's decision in the Nestle-Garoto merger case adjourned | Practical Law

After almost four years of judicial review, two of the three judges constituting the 5th Panel of the Brazilian Court of Appeals of the First Region (TRF1) have issued opinions ordering the Council for Economic Defence (CADE) to review its decision to block the acquisition of Garoto by Nestle, on the grounds of procedural flaws. Judgment has been adjourned upon request of the Panel's third judge.

Brazilian Court ruling on CADE's decision in the Nestle-Garoto merger case adjourned

Practical Law UK Legal Update 4-384-8282 (Approx. 2 pages)

Brazilian Court ruling on CADE's decision in the Nestle-Garoto merger case adjourned

Law stated as at 22 Jan 2009Brazil
After almost four years of judicial review, two of the three judges constituting the 5th Panel of the Brazilian Court of Appeals of the First Region (TRF1) have issued opinions ordering the Council for Economic Defence (CADE) to review its decision to block the acquisition of Garoto by Nestle, on the grounds of procedural flaws. Judgment has been adjourned upon request of the Panel's third judge.