3505.03 Office type ballot | Statutes | Westlaw

3505.03 Office type ballot | Statutes | Westlaw

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3505.03 Office type ballot

OH ST § 3505.03Baldwin's Ohio Revised Code AnnotatedTitle XXXV. ElectionsEffective: September 30, 2021 (Approx. 3 pages)

3505.03 Office type ballot

OH ST § 3505.03Baldwin's Ohio Revised Code AnnotatedTitle XXXV. ElectionsEffective: September 30, 2021 (Approx. 3 pages)

Baldwin's Ohio Revised Code Annotated
Title XXXV. Elections (Refs & Annos)
Chapter 3505. General and Special Elections--Ballots; Voting (Refs & Annos)
Effective: September 30, 2021
R.C. § 3505.03
3505.03 Office type ballot
(A) On the office type ballot shall be printed the names of all candidates for election to offices, except the office of judge of a municipal court, county court, or court of common pleas, who were nominated at the most recent primary election as candidates of a political party or who were nominated in accordance with section 3513.02 of the Revised Code, and the names of all candidates for election to offices who were nominated by nominating petitions, except candidates for the office of judge of a municipal court, county court, or court of common pleas, for member of the state board of education, for member of a board of education, for municipal offices, and for township offices.
(B) The face of the ballot below the stub shall be substantially in the following form:
(1) To vote for a candidate record your vote in the manner provided next to the name of such candidate.
(2) If you tear, soil, deface, or erroneously mark this ballot, return it to the precinct election officers or, if you cannot return it, notify the precinct election officers, and obtain another ballot.”
(C) The order in which the offices shall be listed on the ballot shall be prescribed by, and certified to each board of elections by, the secretary of state; provided that for state, district, and county offices the order from top to bottom shall be as follows: governor and lieutenant governor, attorney general, auditor of state, secretary of state, treasurer of state, chief justice of the supreme court, justice of the supreme court, United States senator, representative to congress, state senator, state representative, judge of a court of appeals, county commissioner, county auditor, prosecuting attorney, clerk of the court of common pleas, sheriff, county recorder, county treasurer, county engineer, and coroner. The offices of governor and lieutenant governor shall be printed on the ballot in a manner that requires a voter to cast one vote jointly for the candidates who have been nominated by the same political party or petition.
(D) Within the rectangular space within which the title of each judicial office listed in division (C) of this section is printed on the ballot and immediately below the title shall be printed the date of the commencement of the term of the office, if it is a full term, as follows: “Full term commencing .(Date).,” or the date of the end of the term of the office, if it is an unexpired term, as follows: “Unexpired term ending .(Date).”
(E)(1) The names of all candidates for an office shall be arranged in a group under the title of that office, and, except for absentee ballots or when the number of candidates for a particular office is the same as the number of candidates to be elected for that office, shall be rotated from one precinct to another. On absentee ballots, the names of all candidates for an office shall be arranged in a group under the title of that office and shall be so alternated that each name shall appear, insofar as may be reasonably possible, substantially an equal number of times at the beginning, at the end, and in each intermediate place, if any, of the group in which such name belongs, unless the number of candidates for a particular office is the same as the number of candidates to be elected for that office.
(2) The method of printing the ballots to meet the rotation requirement of this section shall be as follows: the least common multiple of the number of names in each of the several groups of candidates shall be used, and the number of changes made in the printer's forms in printing the ballots shall correspond with that multiple. The board of elections shall number all precincts in regular serial sequence. In the first precinct, the names of the candidates in each group shall be listed in alphabetical order. In each succeeding precinct, the name in each group that is listed first in the preceding precinct shall be listed last, and the name of each candidate shall be moved up one place. In each precinct using paper ballots, the printed ballots shall then be assembled in tablets.
(F) Under the name of each candidate nominated at a primary election, nominated by petition under section 3517.012 of the Revised Code, or certified by a party committee to fill a vacancy under section 3513.31 of the Revised Code shall be printed, in less prominent type face than that in which the candidate's name is printed, the name of the political party by which the candidate was nominated or certified. Under the name of each candidate appearing on the ballot who filed a nominating petition and requested a ballot designation as a nonparty candidate under section 3513.257 of the Revised Code shall be printed, in less prominent type face than that in which the candidate's name is printed, the designation of “nonparty candidate.” Under the name of each candidate appearing on the ballot who filed a nominating petition and requested a ballot designation as an other-party candidate under section 3513.257 of the Revised Code shall be printed, in less prominent type face than that in which the candidate's name is printed, the designation of “other-party candidate.” No designation shall appear under the name of a candidate appearing on the ballot who filed a nominating petition and requested that no ballot designation appear under the candidate's name under section 3513.257 of the Revised Code, or who filed a nominating petition and failed to request a ballot designation either as a nonparty candidate or as an other-party candidate under that section.
(G) Except as provided in this section, no words, designations, or emblems descriptive of a candidate or the candidate's political affiliation, or indicative of the method by which the candidate was nominated or certified, shall be printed under or after a candidate's name that is printed on the ballot.
(2021 S 80, eff. 9-30-21; 2013 S 193, eff. 2-5-14; 2002 H 445, eff. 12-23-02; 1995 H 99, eff. 8-22-95; 1986 H 555, eff. 2-26-86; 1977 S 115; 1976 S 457, H 1165; 1969 S 17; 128 v 1019; 126 v 655; 125 v 713; 1953 H 1; GC 4785-99)
R.C. § 3505.03, OH ST § 3505.03
Current through File 31 of the 135th General Assembly (2023-2024) and 2023 Statewide Issues 1 and 2 (November Election).
End of Document© 2024 Thomson Reuters. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.