§ 163-82.8. Voter registration cards | Statutes | Westlaw

§ 163-82.8. Voter registration cards | Statutes | Westlaw

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§ 163-82.8. Voter registration cards

NC ST § 163-82.8West's North Carolina General Statutes AnnotatedChapter 163. Elections and Election LawsEffective: January 31, 2019 (Approx. 2 pages)

§ 163-82.8. Voter registration cards

NC ST § 163-82.8West's North Carolina General Statutes AnnotatedChapter 163. Elections and Election LawsEffective: January 31, 2019 (Approx. 2 pages)

West's North Carolina General Statutes Annotated
Chapter 163. Elections and Election Laws (Refs & Annos)
Subchapter III. Qualifying to Vote
Article 7a. Registration of Voters (Refs & Annos)
Effective: January 31, 2019
N.C.G.S.A. § 163-82.8
Formerly cited as NC ST § 163A-869
§ 163-82.8. Voter registration cards
(a) Authority to Issue Card.--With the approval of the board of county commissioners, the county board of elections may issue to each voter in the county a voter registration card, or may issue cards to all voters registered after January 1, 1995.
(b) Content and Format of Card.--At a minimum, the voter registration card shall:
(1) List the voter's name, address, and voting place;
(2) Contain the address and telephone number of the county board of elections, along with blanks to report a change of address within the county, change of name, and change of party affiliation; and
(3) Be wallet size.

No voter registration card may be issued by a county board of elections unless the State Board has approved the format of the card.
(c) Ways County Board and Registrant May Use Card.--If the county board of elections issues voter registration cards, the county board may use that card as a notice of tentative approval of the voter's application pursuant to G.S. 163-82.7(c), provided that the mailing contains the statements and information required in that subsection. The county board may also satisfy the requirements of G.S. 163-82.15(b), 163-82.16(b), or 163-82.17(b) by sending the registrant a replacement of the voter registration card to verify change of address, change of name, or change of party affiliation. A registrant may use the card to report a change of address, change of name, or change of party affiliation, satisfying G.S. 163-82.15, 163-82.16, or 163-82.17.
(d) Card as Evidence of Registration.--A voter registration card shall be evidence of registration but shall not preclude a challenge as permitted by law.
(e) Display of Card May Not Be Required to Vote.--No county board of elections may require that a voter registration card be displayed in order to vote.


Added by Laws 1967, c. 775, § 1. Amended by Laws 1969, c. 750, §§ 1, 2; Laws 1977, c. 626, § 1; Laws 1979, c. 539, § 5; Laws 1979, c. 766, § 2; Laws 1981, c. 33, § 2; Laws 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1265, § 6; Laws 1983, c. 553; Laws 1985, c. 260, § 1; Laws 1991, c. 363, § 1; Laws 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 1032, § 1; Laws 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 762, § 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1995; S.L. 2015-103, § 8(f), eff. Jan. 1, 2016. Recodified from § 163-82.8 by S.L. 2017-6, § 3, eff. May 1, 2017. Amended by S.L. 2018-144, § 3.1(b), eff. Dec. 19, 2018. Re-recodified from § 163A-869 by S.L. 2018-146, §§ 3.1(a), (b), eff. Jan. 31, 2019.
N.C.G.S.A. § 163-82.8, NC ST § 163-82.8
The statutes and Constitution are current through the end of the 2023 Regular Session of the General Assembly, subject to changes made pursuant to direction of the Revisor of Statutes.
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