204B.04. Candidacy; prohibitions | Statutes | Westlaw

204B.04. Candidacy; prohibitions | Statutes | Westlaw

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204B.04. Candidacy; prohibitions

MN ST § 204B.04Minnesota Statutes AnnotatedElections (Ch. 200-212)Effective: August 1, 2016 (Approx. 2 pages)

204B.04. Candidacy; prohibitions

MN ST § 204B.04Minnesota Statutes AnnotatedElections (Ch. 200-212)Effective: August 1, 2016 (Approx. 2 pages)

Minnesota Statutes Annotated
Elections (Ch. 200-212)
Chapter 204B. Election Administration; General Provisions
Candidate Nomination and Filing
Effective: August 1, 2016
M.S.A. § 204B.04
204B.04. Candidacy; prohibitions
Subdivision 1. Major party candidates. No individual shall be named on any ballot as the candidate of more than one major political party. No individual who has been certified by a canvassing board as the nominee of any major political party shall be named on any ballot as the candidate of any other major political party at the next ensuing general election.
Subd. 2. Candidates seeking nomination by primary. No individual who seeks nomination for any partisan or nonpartisan office at a primary shall be nominated for the same office by nominating petition.
Subd. 2a. Expired April 28, 1997.
Subd. 3. Nomination for nonpartisan office. No individual shall be nominated by nominating petition for any nonpartisan office.
Subd. 4. Prohibition on multiple candidacy. A candidate who files an affidavit of candidacy for an office to be elected at the general election may not subsequently file another affidavit of candidacy for any other office to be elected on the date of that general election, unless the candidate withdraws the initial affidavit pursuant to section 204B.12. The provisions in section 645.21 do not apply to this subdivision.
Subd. 5. Ballots; candidates who file by nominating petition. Candidates who were filed as a team by nominating petition under section 204B.07, subdivision 2, shall not appear on the ballot as minor party or independent candidates if either candidate is certified as a major party candidate for president or vice president pursuant to section 208.03.


M. S. A. § 204B.04, MN ST § 204B.04
Current with all legislation from the 2024 Regular Session. The statutes are subject to change as determined by the Minnesota Revisor of Statutes. (These changes will be incorporated later this year.)
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