§ 4. Freedom of speech and publication; libel; truth given in evidence; jury determines law and fact | Statutes | Westlaw

§ 4. Freedom of speech and publication; libel; truth given in evidence; jury determines law and fact | Statutes | Westlaw

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§ 4. Freedom of speech and publication; libel; truth given in evidence; jury determines law and fact

ME CONST Art. 1, § 4Maine Revised Statutes AnnotatedConstitution of the State of Maine (Approx. 2 pages)

§ 4. Freedom of speech and publication; libel; truth given in evidence; jury determines law and fact

ME CONST Art. 1, § 4Maine Revised Statutes AnnotatedConstitution of the State of Maine (Approx. 2 pages)

Maine Revised Statutes Annotated
Constitution of the State of Maine (Refs & Annos)
Article I. Declaration of Rights (Refs & Annos)
M.R.S.A. Const. Art. 1, § 4
§ 4. Freedom of speech and publication; libel; truth given in evidence; jury determines law and fact
Section 4. Every citizen may freely speak, write and publish sentiments on any subject, being responsible for the abuse of this liberty; no laws shall be passed regulating or restraining the freedom of the press; and in prosecutions for any publication respecting the official conduct of people in public capacity, or the qualifications of those who are candidates for the suffrages of the people, or where the matter published is proper for public information, the truth thereof may be given in evidence, and in all indictments for libels, the jury, after having received the direction of the court, shall have a right to determine, at their discretion, the law and the fact.
M. R. S. A. Const. Art. 1, § 4, ME CONST Art. 1, § 4
Current with emergency legislation through Chapter 646 of the 2023 Second Regular Session of the 131st Legislature. The Second Regular Session convened January 3, 2024. Statutory adjournment is April 17, 2024.
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