Sarah N. Lynch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal regulators on Monday said U.S. municipal issuers and underwriters who self-report inaccurate statements they have made in bond documents will likely receive standardized, favorable settlement terms under a new...
News Subject: (Municipal Bonds (1MU39); Funding Instruments (1FU41); Regulatory Affairs (1RE51); Bond Instruments (1BO92); Securities Law (1SE59))
Industry: (Accounting (1AC78); Bonds (1BO97); Financial Services Regulatory (1FI03); Securities Investment (1SE57); Investment Management (1IN34); Accounting Regulatory (1AC62); Financial Services (1FI37); Fixed Income Investments (1FI12); Accounting, Consulting & Legal Services (1AC73))
Language: EN
Other Indexing: (Andrew Ceresney; Jonathan Ernst)
Keywords: securities (MCC:OEC); (N2:US); (N2:AMERS); (N2:USA); (MCCL:OVR); (MCCL:OEC)