NEW YORK (Reuters) - Puerto Rico's Supreme Court upheld as constitutional a judicial pension reform that is part of a broad cost-cutting campaign by the Caribbean island's heavily indebted government, Puerto Rico's governor said on Friday.
News Subject: (Legal (1LE33); Judicial Cases & Rulings (1JU36))
Industry: (Financial Services (1FI37); Personal & Institutional Investing (1PE62); Retirement Investment (1RE05); Investment Management (1IN34); Pension Fund Management (1PE01))
Region: (Puerto Rico (1PU56); Caribbean (1CA06); Americas (1AM92); Latin America (1LA15))
Language: EN
Other Indexing: (Alejandro Garcia Padilla; Ana Martinez)
Keywords: employment (MCC:OEC); (N2:US); (N2:AMERS); (N2:USA); (MCCL:OVR); (MCCL:OEC)