§ 6:37. Clause relating to advertising and promotional materials or similar matter and the ownership of forms, manuals, and other insurance materials furnished by the company | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

§ 6:37. Clause relating to advertising and promotional materials or similar matter and the ownership of forms, manuals, and other insurance materials furnished by the company | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

View on Westlaw or start a FREE TRIAL today, § 6:37. Clause relating to advertising and promotional materials or similar matter and the ownership of forms, manuals, and other insurance materials furnished by the company, Legal Forms
1 Couch on Insurance 3D Forms § 6:37
Couch on Insurance 3D Forms
June 2024 Update
Hiscock and Barclay LLP
Part I. The Business of Insurance
Chapter 6. Agents and Brokers
§ 6:37. Clause relating to advertising and promotional materials or similar matter and the ownership of forms, manuals, and other insurance materials furnished by the company