Rule 1.110(988) Form for complaint for county refusal to process land use applications according to existing regulations, alleging county's attempt to enforce standards or rules not yet legally adopted; asking declaratory judgment, damages for inverse condemnation and violation of civil rights; asking to enforce land use laws in place; and for injunction and mandamus | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

Rule 1.110(988) Form for complaint for county refusal to process land use applications according to existing regulations, alleging county's attempt to enforce standards or rules not yet legally adopted; asking declaratory judgment, damages for inverse condemnation and violation of civil rights; asking to enforce land use laws in place; and for injunction and mandamus | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

View on Westlaw or start a FREE TRIAL today, Rule 1.110(988) Form for complaint for county refusal to process land use applications according to existing regulations, alleging county's attempt to enforce standards or rules not yet legally adopted; asking declaratory judgment, damages for inverse condemnation and violation of civil rights; asking to enforce land use laws in place; and for injunction and mandamus, Legal Forms
1 La Coe's Fla.R.Civ.P. Forms R 1.110(988) (2023 ed.)
La Coe's Pleadings Under The Florida Rules Of Civil Procedure With Forms
November 2023 Update
Norm La Coe
Rule 1.110. General Rules of Pleading
Rule 1.110. General Rules of Pleading
Part III. Specific Claims; Forms and Case Law
E. Claims Relating to Public Agencies or Officers
4. Actions Relating to Land Use Controls, Zoning, and Regulations
Rule 1.110(988) Form for complaint for county refusal to process land use applications according to existing regulations, alleging county's attempt to enforce standards or rules not yet legally adopted; asking declaratory judgment, damages for inverse condemnation and violation of civil rights; asking to enforce land use laws in place; and for injunction and mandamus