(Reuters) - U.S. District Judge Richard Leon became the first judge to rule against the U.S. government's collection of phone data in bulk when he found on Monday that the program was likely unlawful.
More rulings may be coming, because there are more...
News Subject: (U.S. Supreme Court (1US13); Legal (1LE33); Government (1GO80); Judicial Cases & Rulings (1JU36); National Judiciaries (1NA65); Government Institutions (1GO90); Government Litigation (1GO18))
Region: (New York (1NE72); Idaho (1ID22); USA (1US73); District of Columbia (1DI60); North America (1NO39); U.S. West Region (1WE46); Americas (1AM92); California (1CA98); U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region (1MI18))
Language: EN
Other Indexing: (Richard Leon; Edward Snowden; Anna Smith; Mario Anzuoni; William Pauley; Barack Obama; George Bush; Charles Strange; Larry Klayman; Jeffrey White; Bill Clinton; Ronald Bush)
(MCC:OVR); (N2:US); (N2:AMERS); (N2:USA); (MCCL:OVR)