§ 44:29. FORM: Coexistence agreement to avoid likelihood of confusion between common law trademarks and trade names | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

§ 44:29. FORM: Coexistence agreement to avoid likelihood of confusion between common law trademarks and trade names | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

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§ 44:29. FORM: Coexistence agreement to avoid likelihood of confusion between common law trademarks and trade names

TMPRACFORM § 44:29Barry Kramer and Allen D. BrufskyTrademark Law Practice Forms (Approx. 3 pages)

§ 44:29. FORM: Coexistence agreement to avoid likelihood of confusion between common law trademarks and trade names

TMPRACFORM § 44:29Barry Kramer and Allen D. BrufskyTrademark Law Practice Forms (Approx. 3 pages)

6 Trade Law Prac Forms § 44:29
Trademark Law Practice Forms
August 2024 Update
Barry Kramer and Allen D. Brufsky
Part V. Trademark Counseling
Chapter 44. Alternatives to Litigation—Cease and Desist Letters and Coexistence Agreements
V. Agreements Settling or to Avoid Civil Litigation
§ 44:29. FORM: Coexistence agreement to avoid likelihood of confusion between common law trademarks and trade names