§ 28:15. Forms—Notice of motion and motion based on affidavits—Defendant in military service | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

§ 28:15. Forms—Notice of motion and motion based on affidavits—Defendant in military service | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

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§ 28:15. Forms—Notice of motion and motion based on affidavits—Defendant in military service

WI-PP § 28:15Prof. Jay E. Grenig, Marquette University Law SchoolWisconsin Pleading and Practice (Approx. 2 pages)

§ 28:15. Forms—Notice of motion and motion based on affidavits—Defendant in military service

WI-PP § 28:15Prof. Jay E. Grenig, Marquette University Law SchoolWisconsin Pleading and Practice (Approx. 2 pages)

4 Wis. Pl. & Pr. Forms § 28:15 (5th ed.)
Wisconsin Pleading and Practice
June 2024 Update
Prof. Jay E. Grenig, Marquette University Law School
Part I. Courts and Practice Generally
Chapter 28. Continuances
§ 28:15. Forms—Notice of motion and motion based on affidavits—Defendant in military service