Brazilian Federal District Court on shareholder consent to arbitration agreement in company's articles of incorporation | Practical Law

Brazilian Federal District Court on shareholder consent to arbitration agreement in company's articles of incorporation | Practical Law

In Jeremias Reis Pereira v Hospital Santa Lúcia S/A, Civil Appeal no 0029102-15.2011.8.07.0001, the Court of Appeals of the Federal District (TJDF) considered the effect of an arbitration agreement contained in a company’s articles of incorporation without one of the minority shareholder’s consent.

Brazilian Federal District Court on shareholder consent to arbitration agreement in company's articles of incorporation

by Eduardo Damião Gonçalves (Partner), Flávio Spaccaquerche Barbosa (Associate) and Bruno Barreto de Azevedo Teixeira (Associate), Mattos Filho Advogados
Published on 11 Sep 2013Brazil
In Jeremias Reis Pereira v Hospital Santa Lúcia S/A, Civil Appeal no 0029102-15.2011.8.07.0001, the Court of Appeals of the Federal District (TJDF) considered the effect of an arbitration agreement contained in a company’s articles of incorporation without one of the minority shareholder’s consent.