§ 50:617. Conclusion or testimonium clause | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

§ 50:617. Conclusion or testimonium clause | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

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§ 50:617. Conclusion or testimonium clause

NICHOLS-LF § 50:617Nichols Cyclopedia of Legal Forms Annotated (Approx. 2 pages)

§ 50:617. Conclusion or testimonium clause

NICHOLS-LF § 50:617Nichols Cyclopedia of Legal Forms Annotated (Approx. 2 pages)

3A Nichols Cyc. Legal Forms § 50:617
Nichols Cyclopedia of Legal Forms Annotated
November 2023 Update
Chapter 50. Corporations
XI. Doing Business; Power to Contract by or with Corporation
D. Forms—Contracts and Contract Provisions
1. Introduction to, Commencement of, and Execution of Contract to Which Corporation is Party
§ 50:617. Conclusion or testimonium clause