§ 155:53. Form: Petition by guardian to sell real property | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

§ 155:53. Form: Petition by guardian to sell real property | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

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§ 155:53. Form: Petition by guardian to sell real property

CW2D § 155:53Rachel M. Kane, M.A., J.D. and Lisa A. Zakolski, J.D.Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms (Approx. 4 pages)

§ 155:53. Form: Petition by guardian to sell real property

CW2D § 155:53Rachel M. Kane, M.A., J.D. and Lisa A. Zakolski, J.D.Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms (Approx. 4 pages)

27 Carmody-Wait 2d § 155:53
Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms
August 2024 Update
Chapter 155. Guardians and Guardianship
Rachel M. Kane, M.A., J.D. and Lisa A. Zakolski, J.D.
III. Powers, Duties, and Liabilities
B. Powers, Duties, and Liabilities Relating to Infant's Property
2. Sale and Investment of Infant's Property
b. Sale, Lease, Exchange, or Mortgage of Real Property
§ 155:53. Form: Petition by guardian to sell real property