CW2D § 150:63Janet Elaine Curry, J.D.; Thomas Muskus, J.D.; and Lisa A. Zakolski, J.D., M.A.Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms (Approx. 7 pages)
CW2D § 150:63Janet Elaine Curry, J.D.; Thomas Muskus, J.D.; and Lisa A. Zakolski, J.D., M.A.Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms (Approx. 7 pages)
25A Carmody-Wait 2d § 150:63
Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms
August 2024 Update
Chapter 150. General Provisions Relating to Letters and Fiduciaries
Janet Elaine Curry, J.D.; Thomas Muskus, J.D.; and Lisa A. Zakolski, J.D., M.A.
V. Suspension, Modification, or Revocation of Letters; Removal of Fiduciaries
B. Suspension, Modification, or Revocation of Letters upon Petition and Issuance of Process
4. Procedure for Suspension, Modification, or Revocation of Letters of Fiduciary
§ 150:63. Form: Petition to revoke letters testamentary and for injunctive relief