§ 121:441. Form: Petition—By corporation to determine rights of dissenting shareholders and fix value of shares; merger of corporations | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

§ 121:441. Form: Petition—By corporation to determine rights of dissenting shareholders and fix value of shares; merger of corporations | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

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§ 121:441. Form: Petition—By corporation to determine rights of dissenting shareholders and fix value of shares; merger of corporations

CW2D § 121:441Tracy Bateman, J.D.; Tammy E. Hinshaw, J.D.; Mark T. Roohk, J.D.; Thomas Smith, J.D.; Paul Steinberg, J.D.; Brenda Williamson, J.D.; Theodore Wyman, J.D.; and Lisa A. Zakolski, J.D.Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms (Approx. 9 pages)

§ 121:441. Form: Petition—By corporation to determine rights of dissenting shareholders and fix value of shares; merger of corporations

CW2D § 121:441Tracy Bateman, J.D.; Tammy E. Hinshaw, J.D.; Mark T. Roohk, J.D.; Thomas Smith, J.D.; Paul Steinberg, J.D.; Brenda Williamson, J.D.; Theodore Wyman, J.D.; and Lisa A. Zakolski, J.D.Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms (Approx. 9 pages)

20A Carmody-Wait 2d § 121:441
Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms
August 2024 Update
Chapter 121. Actions and Proceedings by and Against Corporations, Their Officers, Directors, and Shareholders
Tracy Bateman, J.D.; Tammy E. Hinshaw, J.D.; Mark T. Roohk, J.D.; Thomas Smith, J.D.; Paul Steinberg, J.D.; Brenda Williamson, J.D.; Theodore Wyman, J.D.; and Lisa A. Zakolski, J.D.
III. Particular Actions and Proceedings
K. Dissenting Stockholder's Right to Appraisal of and Payment for Stock
3. Procedure
b. Special Appraisal Proceeding Where Corporation Fails to Make Offer or Stockholder Fails to Accept Offer
(2) Valuation of Stock
§ 121:441. Form: Petition—By corporation to determine rights of dissenting shareholders and fix value of shares; merger of corporations