§ 121:255. Form: Complaint—Shareholders' derivative action—Unlawful diversion of funds by director and officer | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

§ 121:255. Form: Complaint—Shareholders' derivative action—Unlawful diversion of funds by director and officer | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

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§ 121:255. Form: Complaint—Shareholders' derivative action—Unlawful diversion of funds by director and officer

CW2D § 121:255Tracy Bateman, J.D.; Tammy E. Hinshaw, J.D.; Mark T. Roohk, J.D.; Thomas Smith, J.D.; Paul Steinberg, J.D.; Brenda Williamson, J.D.; Theodore Wyman, J.D.; and Lisa A. Zakolski, J.D.Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms (Approx. 7 pages)

§ 121:255. Form: Complaint—Shareholders' derivative action—Unlawful diversion of funds by director and officer

CW2D § 121:255Tracy Bateman, J.D.; Tammy E. Hinshaw, J.D.; Mark T. Roohk, J.D.; Thomas Smith, J.D.; Paul Steinberg, J.D.; Brenda Williamson, J.D.; Theodore Wyman, J.D.; and Lisa A. Zakolski, J.D.Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms (Approx. 7 pages)

20 Carmody-Wait 2d § 121:255
Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms
August 2024 Update
Chapter 121. Actions and Proceedings by and Against Corporations, Their Officers, Directors, and Shareholders
Tracy Bateman, J.D.; Tammy E. Hinshaw, J.D.; Mark T. Roohk, J.D.; Thomas Smith, J.D.; Paul Steinberg, J.D.; Brenda Williamson, J.D.; Theodore Wyman, J.D.; and Lisa A. Zakolski, J.D.
III. Particular Actions and Proceedings
E. Actions Based upon Misconduct of Officers or Directors
4. Practice and Procedure Concerning Action for Misconduct of Directors or Officers
c. Pleadings in Action for Misconduct of Directors or Officers
§ 121:255. Form: Complaint—Shareholders' derivative action—Unlawful diversion of funds by director and officer