U.S. regulators say banks have time to sell securities under Volcker | Business Information & News | Westlaw

U.S. regulators say banks have time to sell securities under Volcker | Business Information & News | Westlaw

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12/20/13 REUTERS 11:00:00
Copyright © 2013 Thomson Reuters
December 20, 2013
U.S. regulators say banks have time to sell securities under Volcker
Emily Stephenson
By Emily Stephenson
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. regulators said on Thursday that banks do not need to sell certain securities immediately under the Volcker rule, but instead have until July 2015 to decide if the investments comply with the new rules....
---- Index References ----
News Subject: (Regulatory Affairs (1RE51); Economic Policy & Policymakers (1EC69); Investment Banking (1IN86); Economics & Trade (1EC26); Monetary Policy (1MO18))
Industry: (Financial Services Regulatory (1FI03); Investment Banks (1IN03); Federal Reserve (1FE99); Investment Banking Regulatory (1IN20); Banking (1BA20); Major Central Banks (1MA01); Investment Management (1IN34); Financial Services (1FI37))
Language: EN
Other Indexing: (Jason Reed)
Keywords: banking; securities (MCC:OEC); (N2:US); (N2:AMERS); (N2:USA); (MCCL:OEC)
Word Count: 288