§ 36:125. Form: Order vacating preclusion order granted for failure to serve bill of particulars | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

§ 36:125. Form: Order vacating preclusion order granted for failure to serve bill of particulars | Secondary Sources | Westlaw

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§ 36:125. Form: Order vacating preclusion order granted for failure to serve bill of particulars

CW2D § 36:125Tammy E. Hinshaw, J.D.; Judith Nichter Morris, J.D.; and Stephanie Zeller, J.D.Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms (Approx. 2 pages)

§ 36:125. Form: Order vacating preclusion order granted for failure to serve bill of particulars

CW2D § 36:125Tammy E. Hinshaw, J.D.; Judith Nichter Morris, J.D.; and Stephanie Zeller, J.D.Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms (Approx. 2 pages)

6 Carmody-Wait 2d § 36:125
Carmody-Wait 2d New York Practice with Forms
August 2024 Update
Chapter 36. Bills of Particulars and Copies of Accounts
Tammy E. Hinshaw, J.D.; Judith Nichter Morris, J.D.; and Stephanie Zeller, J.D.
IV. Procedural Matters
G. Enforcement of Demand for Bill of Particulars
2. Conditional and Final Orders of Preclusion
b. Relief from Preclusion Order
§ 36:125. Form: Order vacating preclusion order granted for failure to serve bill of particulars