Super Lien | Practical Law

Super Lien | Practical Law

Super Lien

Super Lien

Practical Law Glossary Item 0-509-5696 (Approx. 3 pages)


Super Lien

In the context of real estate, a statutory lien that is superior to all existing liens previously recorded against real property.
What is a super lien varies from state to state. However, super liens often include:
A state may also grant super lien rights to a state's environmental protection agency. Several states have enacted statutes creating super liens on property owned by a party that is responsible for the property's environmental cleanup.
State laws vary regarding the scope of the environmental cleanup required that may trigger a super lien. States granting their environmental protection agencies super lien capabilities include:
  • Connecticut.
  • Massachusetts.
  • Maine.
  • New Hampshire.
  • New Jersey.
  • Tennessee.